Need a different approach to soils? Feel like something is missing? Is your current system not achieving the results you expect? 

The team at Golden Bay Dolomite understands how you might be feeling that your pasture or crop yields seem to be stalling despite having the recommended NPKS fertiliser program in place.  

Are you noticing that your stock health continues to be plagued by issues, requiring constant feeding of trace element supplements?  

Are your crops suffering from more disease pressure requiring increased spray programs? 

We know the cost of NPK based fertilisers and supplements are constantly rising, along with many other on-farm costs like fuel and vet bills - it can seem like it’s never-ending.  

The problem is something GBD regularly hears from farmers. Making the switch to a biological approach can be more cost-effective, reduce Nitrogen reliance and eliminate many animal health issues while dramatically improving soil health.

Neal Kinsey - Albrecht soil fertility course - May 2023 

Here’s your opportunity to learn about the benefits of adopting the Albrecht/Kinsey system for your property, GBD is pleased to be supporting Americans leading Albrecht consultant Neal Kinsey to present a three-day introductory seminar. 

Whether your business is orchards, vineyards, cropping or pastoral farming, we invite you to take this opportunity to participate in this seminar to hear Neal Kinsey speak about the most important issue facing our industries today – soil health. 

Date: 1st, 2nd & 3rd May 2023 

Venue: The Function Centre, Brancott Winery, Main Road South, Blenheim

Make a start - Register today

For more information please phone 0800 549 433 or contact:

Ross Wright
027 246 2114

Ron McLean
027 289 4258

Don Hart
027 432 0187

Course pricing

This includes 3 days of seminar presentations, venue registration, and meals (morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea). 

Individual registration: $890+GST 

Double (couple) registration: $1600+GST

Turn things around with GBD

Farmers like Andrew West who operates an intensive cropping property near Ashburton have explored these issues for themselves and came to some key conclusions that turned around the production wall they seemed to have hit.

Realising that they were in a system that was merely feeding their crops rather than building their soil nutrient status they began to investigate the role different nutrients play in the profile. The importance of both magnesium and calcium in maintaining healthy soils became evident. This interplay between magnesium and calcium in soils is the cornerstone of pioneering American soil scientist Dr William Albrecht whose work is known as the Albrecht soil fertility system. 

The benefits of both magnesium and calcium are that they provide a foundation for the uptake of other key nutrients (NPKS) needed for plant growth. Calcium in particular acts as a catalyst for the translocation of other nutrients increasing their plant availability. Ideally, soils should contain 60-70% calcium and 10-20% magnesium for good plant nutrition and animal health. Golden Bay Dolomite has a mineral composition of 23% calcium and 11% magnesium meaning it is a perfect product option for achieving the best balance for healthy soils.     


Rebuilding soil fertility


Getting a complete soil health picture this Autumn