Improve your soil’s water-holding capacity over Summer

Apply Golden Bay Dolomite (GBD)

Tolerance to summer drought can be obtained by understanding the connection between soil microbes, soil structure and water-holding capacity.

Soil is comprised of core elements, organic matter, mineral matter, air, and water as demonstrated (below) the ratio of air to water determines how soils perform in drought conditions. The GBD-recommended biological farming approach considers the structure of the soil microbes' home with improvements the moisture-holding capacity of soil increases.  

Figure 1. Soil composition core elements solids versus pores

Figure 1. Soil composition core elements solids versus pores


GBD supports good soil structure and water-holding capacity

A soil that has good structure is characterised by the particles forming strong aggregates this allows them to draw in more water and translocate it to a greater depth. In comparison compacted soils that form under situations like repetitive cropping, with minimal structure and aggregation lack the ability to transport water to a depth and moisture is lost either as runoff or evaporation (Figure 4.)

Well-structured soil can store more infiltrated water in the spaces between the aggregates and as mini water films around each individual soil aggregate. This means soil with a good structure can “hold on” to water that is received and maintain a higher water holding capacity between rain or irrigation events. GBD has the optimal percentage of magnesium carbonate to calcium carbonate to achieve a balance soil structure. 

Figure 2. GBD has the optimal percentage of magnesium to calcium


Apply GBD to help avoid dry compacted soils

Over the summer if your property tends to have issues with excessive runoff, poor water storage, and drainage – it’s time to revisit your program with a focus on building your soil health. The linkages between healthy soil microbes, soil structure and moisture storage are outlined below, improving soil aggregation with GBD creates a balanced system.

Figure 3. The connection between soil microbes, soil structure and soil water-holding capacity


The dual action of GBD formed with both magnesium and calcium carbonate has a regenerative impact on soil structure and therefore its moisture-holding capacity.

Figure 4. Apply GBD to improve your soils drought resilience

Figure 4. Apply GBD to improve your soils drought resilience


To book a free soil consultation to understand how Golden Bay Dolomite can support your farm contact us on 03 525 9843 or email


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