Golden Bay Dolomite Spring Newsletter 

“Seriously, how will I cover this year’s fertiliser bill?”

Golden Bay Dolomite is here to help 

Like most farmers, if your farming system has traditionally relied on plant-feeding “recipes” of promoted nutrients nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, and sulphur (NPKS), you’ll now be facing a massive fertiliser bill for these standard nutrients with exponential increases in costs.  

The economic outlook indicates that fertiliser prices are going to continue to remain high in the interim. The situation calls for a timely rethink—it makes sense to focus on what will drive growth. 

Golden Bay Dolomite can be a key component of the overall solution. 

As a primary producer, you’re in the business of harvesting sunlight for photosynthesis. The growth of pasture and crops is driven primarily by sunlight combined with temperature, moisture, and the right soil nutrient levels. 

Powering up your system is key to riding out this patch.  

All plants need magnesium found at the centre of the chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis for growth.  

Applying just maintenance amounts of Golden Bay Dolomite (250kgs/ha) can cost as little as $40 to $80/Ha (depending on region).  This will supply enough calcium and magnesium to meet your soils needs and be a catalyst for pasture growth this spring and beyond.

Spring crop planting rotations and pasture renewal programmes. 

Now is the perfect time to incorporate Golden Bay Dolomite into your spring crop planting rotations and pasture renewal programmes.  

You’ve invested heavily in planting programmes, seed varieties, and technologies. Climatic conditions are uncontrollable - but you can get the best start by incorporating Golden Bay Dolomite.  Boost your plant chloroplast activity and keep growth ticking, utilising the prior investment you’ve made in soil nutrients. 

Make a soil application to gain the dual benefits of calcium and magnesium today! 

  • Combine both magnesium and calcium in one application. 

  • Improve soil structure, with the opposing effects of magnesium (tightening) and calcium (loosing) on soil particles. 

  • Good soil structure allows for water, air and nutrient uptake while minimising leaching. 

  • Calcium is essential for forming the “structure of cell walls” and is required for the healthy growth of roots, stems, and leaves. 

  • Maintains pH levels and the availability of all soil nutrients. 

  • Magnesium is essential for plant growth actively, involved in photosynthesis and found at the centre of chlorophyll.  

  • Calcium and magnesium support animal health.

Cost-effective fertiliser  

  • Golden Bay Dolomite is an economic fertiliser that frees up your budget for other priorities.  

  • Golden Bay Dolomite is available throughout both the North and South Islands.


Winter 2023 – Showcasing the Albrecht soil system